Study Abroad
Thinking of studying abroad?
The Students with Disabilities Studying Abroad videos capture the travels of three Stanford students with disabilities, who each spent an exciting and enriching quarter participating in the Bing Overseas Studies Program. Molly, Vivian, and Rachel share their stories, experiences, and advice about international travel and study. In addition to the usual preparations all students make for overseas study, arranging for disability services such as ASL interpreters, accessible home-stays, and wheelchair access in the study center were all part of the planning process.
Molly, Rachel, and Vivian's stories illustrate that with proper planning and collaboration with the staff in the Office of Accessible Education and Bing’s overseas partners (and some creative thinking about accommodations), the challenges of studying abroad can lead to life-changing overseas experiences and many successes.
The production of these videos was made possible by a generous gift from an anonymous donor.
Santiago, Chile
Molly shares how her struggles and successes with wheelchair access challenged her to think differently about culture, education, family, friends and community.
Paris, France
Vivian discusses her longstanding love of French language and culture and how her host family helped her with accommodations.
Oxford, England
Rachel, who was awarded a 2013 Rhodes Scholarship to further her master's education at Oxford, shares how she was able to secure an ASL interpreter in England and how her experiences pushed her accomplish more than she'd ever thought possible.