Alternate Format Services
Request Form and Agreement
The Request Process
Stanford's ten-week quarter system means classes progress quickly. We work to assist you with the provision of alternatively formatted course materials in a timely manner. To that end, we ask that you manage your accommodation requests accordingly. Please make your alternate format requests early and thoroughly.
It is the student's responsibility to provide the OAE in a timely manner with class syllabi, reading schedules, and instructor contact information, etc. When practicable, our office seeks to supply each student with their preferred alternative format; however, time and production constraints may dictate how the course material is made accessible.
- Log into the student portal at OAE | CONNECT to make a request;
- Include a copy of all relevant course information (syllabus, course schedule, etc);
- Provide proof of purchase for the material requested.**
Production of alternative format can only begin when we have all of the required information.
** In accordance with California state law (CA Education Code 67302), the student needs to submit proof of purchase for the book(s) and/or course reader(s) the OAE has converted into an alternative format (i.e. receipts, electronic invoices, etc.). Material cannot be released to a student until the Accommodations Coordinator (or designate) has verified proof of purchase.
Please note
- The course syllabus is critical so we can prioritize the production of your materials appropriately. (We often have to stagger production so that ALL of our students have some, that is, the most immediate, materials rather than SOME of our students having all of their materials.)
- Whether you're a new or returning student requesting alternative format production, you will need to complete a Student Agreement for Alternative Format Production Services each academic year; the Agreement will be valid for the entire academic calendar.
- A notification email will be sent when material is ready: electronic course materials can be downloaded; print formats (e.g., Braille) will be made available at the OAE during office hours (9am - 5pm).
If you have any questions, please e-mail Robin Cole, Alternate Format Production Manager.
Please Note - It is the student's responsibility to notify us of any delays or problems as soon as possible!