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Exam Accommodations for Students

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Accommodations for exams allow students with disabilities to fairly represent their knowledge and skills while mitigating the impact of disability-related impairments. There are several different types of accommodations that may be suggested based on the academic environment, the course objectives, and the abilities of the student.  Arranging and providing accommodations is an interactive process between the student, faculty member, and staff of the Office of Accessible Education.


Students must register and complete the intake and eligibility process with the OAE to determine reasonable accommodations. Please note in order to implement approved accommodations, students must complete their intake and provide their Accommodation Letter to their professors within the following timeline:

  • For midterms: At least 10 calendar days before each exam
  • For final exams: By Monday of week 9

The OAE Disability Advising Managers may grant exceptions at their discretion when students face:

  • Extenuating circumstances beyond their control, or
  • Disability conditions that are unplanned in nature

Alternative Testing Site

Students who are approved for a distraction-reduced testing site for inattention/distractibility or the use of extended time on examinations, must work out the arrangements with their professors after providing the professor with the Accommodation Letter.  The student service representative in their respective department may also assist in locating a room close in proximity to the standard exam location.

Altered Testing Conditions

Accommodation TypeExamples of Why Accommodation is Necessary

Alternative Testing Site
Use of a private room or a distraction-reduced room with the seating guidelines below:

Exam Accommodations: Distraction-Reduced Seating

  • Student for whom distractions significantly interfere with sustained attention and focus.
  • Student uses accommodations that would distract others (e.g., speech-recognition software, use of a scribe).
  • Student for whom clinical levels of generalized anxiety are debilitating.
Auxiliary Aids
Use of scribes, readers, American Sign Language interpreters, real-time captioning
  • Student with severe visual impairments, spinal cord injury or limited mobility of hand/arm and may need a scribe to write exam answers.
  • Student with hearing impairment may need a sign language interpreter or real-time captioner to access oral instructions or oral exam materials.
Extended Time
Amount of time authorized is determined on an individual basis considering the nature and severity of the impairment as verified in the student’s documentation and the accommodations used in the examination process.
  • Student who needs to use a variety of devices, methods, or scribes for reading or recording responses to exams require additional time to transfer answers or process material.
  • Student with visual impairment who reads or records the exam in enlarged print or Braille may need extra time.
  • Student with chronic illness or mental health disorder where symptoms of disability or side effects of medications result in lowered stamina or cognitive slowing may need added time.
  • Student with a learning disability whose reading lacks automaticity in rate and fluency may require additional time.
  • Student who is taking prescription medications to alleviate pain, or has diabetes may need breaks during an exam for ingestion of food or water.
  • Student with traumatic brain injury may require short breaks to refocus.
  • Student with a physical disorder may require movement to relieve muscle strain and tension.


Use of Computer and/or Computing Devices

AccommodationExamples of Why Accommodation is Necessary
Assistive Technology
Hardware & Software
  • Student with visual impairment may use text recognition program that converts printed text to voice in order to listen to examination questions.
  • Student who has restricted use of hands or student with a learning disability may use a computer with speech-recognition software to write (dictate) exams.
Medical App
  • Student with a medical condition may need to continuous monitor - and be alerted by - an application that is installed on their smartphone. Smartphone may be placed on "airplane mode."



Testing AccommodationsHow it works
Alternative Testing Site
Private or semi-private distraction-reduced room
  • Student is to arrange the testing space and exam start/end time directly with faculty or teaching staff.
    (Student services representative for department may assist in finding a suitable room)
  • Other spaces on campus (e.g., library) may be appropriate depending on faculty approval.
Exam Laptops 
("scrubbed" laptop)
  • Requested by student via  OAE | CONNECT (at least five business days in advance) and arranged by an OAE Accommodations Coordinator.
  • Laptop is picked up by faculty or teaching staff.
  • Laptop is returned to the OAE by the student.
  • See Exam ("Scrubbed") Laptop Student Agreement below.
Auxiliary Aids
Scribes, readers, ASL interpreters, real-time captioning
  • Requested by student via  OAE | CONNECT (at least five business days in advance) and arranged by an OAE Accommodations Coordinator.
Extended Times and Breaks
  • Accommodation Letter specifies additional time for exams or breaks. Student is expected to take exam within specified conditions.
Reschedule/Stagger Exams
This accommodation is only applicable if the time conflict is due to OAE exam accommodations. This is not intended as an exception to the policy on End-Quarter Examinations.
  • Students with extended exam time accommodations may need to reschedule accommodated exams in case of a time conflict with another class or exam. 
  • Student must notify faculty as early as possible if they anticipate a time conflict due to exam accommodations. 


Exam ("Scrubbed") Laptop Student Agreement

  • I acknowledge that requests for exam laptops must be submitted at least five (5) business days in advance. I understand an exam laptop may not be available for my exam if I request it less than five (5) business days in advance.
  • I will submit complete and accurate information regarding my exam. I will promptly confirm this information if/when requested to do so by email.  I will immediately notify the Accommodations Coordinator of any changes in my exam schedule.
    • Cancellation of exam due to rescheduling, illness, or class drop/withdraw
    • Change of exam date
    • Change of exam start time or exam end time
  • I will not attempt to troubleshoot any issues with my loaned exam laptop.  If the exam laptop experiences technical issues during my exam I will work with my exam administrator to coordinate the exchange of the malfunctioning laptop for another one, if available.
  • I will return my exam laptop by the time indicated on the confirmation email. I understand that exam laptops are limited in number, and the one I borrow may be scheduled for another exam; not returning my exam laptop to the OAE on time may prevent another student from receiving their exam accommodation.
  • I agree to paying the replacement cost of an exam laptop if it is not returned on time. If I am unable to return the laptop immediately after my exam for any reason, including illness, I will notify the OAE. I can email the accommodations coordinator; email my disability adviser; or call the front desk. I understand my student account will be billed for a replacement if I do not return the device on time and do not contact the OAE.