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Guidance for Faculty on Recording Courses

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For the most current guidance, visit Teach Anywhere


Spring 2020

OAE, in collaboration with CTL, has provided the following guidance for recording courses 

The following is also posted on Teach Anywhere

The Office of Accessible Education (OAE) encourages all instructors to record their class sessions. OAE may need to access those recordings for the purpose of captioning, creating transcripts, or production of alternate format. Additionally, some students may be approved for an accommodation to record the session.

However, there may be classes where there are pedagogical reasons not to record a session or part of a session because of the sensitive nature of the topic. Instructors should alert students in the class to this at the start of the course, and, if pausing recording during a session in order to move into a sensitive discussion topic, remind students to pause their individual note-taking or lecture capturing methods.

Due to statutory and regulatory compliance issues associated with public posting of recorded lectures (e.g., student privacy, copyright), instructors should not post video content on any site other than their Stanford Canvas course site.


Reach out for help - we're here

Contact your disability adviser to discuss any changes to your functional limitations and new barriers in the learning environment.

Contact your Resident Dean or the Graduate Life Office to discuss the nuanced stressors you are experiencing during shelter-in-place and seek advice for coordinating resources and support.

Your health is paramount. Put it first by staying in touch with CAPS and Vaden Health Services.

Refresh your whole learning toolkit: the Center for Teaching and Learning provides resources for remote learning such as academic coaching and subject tutoring.

Updated 9.20.2021