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Housing Facility Accommodations

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Housing Facility Accommodations involve alterations and modifications to the actual residential facilities, such as adding a power door, or installing horns and power alarms for a student who is deaf.  Modifications of this nature must be reviewed for authorization through the OAE and supported by medical documentation. Please note that if the requested accommodation includes climate control or environmental allergy reduction, you must describe the severity of the condition and any relevant treatment information. Your documentation should substantiate this.

If the accommodation is supported, the OAE communicates the information to Housing Operations staff.

To request a Facility Accommodation, please complete the Online Student Registration Form

You have the option to upload your documentation with the Registration Form. Alternatively, email, fax, or hand-deliver your documentation to:

Office of Accessible Education
563 Salvatierra Walk
Stanford University
Stanford, CA  94305

FAX: 650-725-5301

Students should contact the OAE as soon as possible as timely notice is needed to coordinate accommodations.  Similarly, it is the student's responsibility to notify the OAE as early as possible as to any problems experienced in the obtaining of housing accommodations and services.